About the Global Nursing Leadership Competency Framework

Sigma Nursing, with support from the Johnson & Johnson Foundation, is excited to introduce the Global Nursing Leadership Competency Framework, a guide for nurses seeking to evaluate their leadership. Individual nurses can use this tool as a self-assessment to determine goals and strategies for improvement. Employers may use the framework to establish professional development opportunities based on the leadership competencies that need growth. The framework can also serve as a valuable tool for educators or professional organizations as they develop new leadership training programs.

Through a collaboration of nurse leaders from around the world, 10 key competencies were developed. Each competency is leveled with performance indicators for nurses who identify at the novice, competent, expert, and luminary levels. Learn more about the framework's development and purpose. 

Key Terms

Domains – key areas that nurse leaders at all levels use for their work. They are the categories that capture the primary areas of competence for nurse leaders at all levels.

Lenses – perspectives that nurse leaders at all levels use in their work. Diversity and Inclusion, Systems Thinking, and Political Savvy are keys to success for nurse leaders at all levels in that their influence on the domains may make the difference in how the nurse leader performs.

Together, the domains and lenses make up the key competencies in the framework.

Next Steps

  • Download the framework in one of the eight available languages.*
  • Individual nurses can take the self-assessment to determine your levels and identify competencies that need development.
  • Clinical employers can use the framework to establish professional development goals and incorporate the competencies into leadership development programs.
  • Academics can use the framework to assess existing programs and incorporate competencies into existing or new courses.

*Before downloading, we will ask you to provide us with some basic information about yourself so that we can better understand who wants to use the framework. We may follow up with you on how you use it and how it can be improved. This information will only be shared with Sigma leaders and will not be used for monetization in any way.

 Only non-commercial use of the Framework is permitted. 

We encourage you to use the Framework in research projects. We request that you give Sigma and the Johnson & Johnson Foundation attribution for the development. 


We would like to thank the following organizations for their support

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