
  1. The self-assessment includes several competencies for the domains and lenses critical to developing nursing leadership skills. They detail the key areas (domains) and perspectives (lenses) that nurse leaders at all levels use for their work. Each competency also includes a skill level with performance indicators describing nurses who identify at the novice, competent, expert, and luminary levels.
  2. Please carefully read each competency and the performance indicators below. It is important to be objective while completing the self-assessment. Choose the level that describes where you are now, not where you wish to be.
  3. Every competency must have a level selected. If you feel a competency does not apply, it is probably because you do not use the skill. In that case, select Novice.
  4. After selecting the skill level, you will also rate the importance of each competency and your proficiency in using the competency.
  5. If there are any questions about the terms used in the self-assessment, please refer to the framework document.
  6. A summary report will be shared via email once the self-assessment has been completed.