Infuse Joy

Each biennium, Sigma installs a new president at the international level. At the 45th Biennial Convention, we proudly installed Richard Ricciardi, PhD, CRNP, FAANP, FAAN, and introduced him as the 33rd president of Sigma. Each president presents a call to action to help guide members and chapters as we strive to fulfill our mission. President Ricciardi call asks us to “infuse joy" to achieve Sigma's vision of global nursing excellence.

President Ricciardi's call asks us to infuse joy into all we do. All healthcare workers face challenges that can trigger burnout, such as staffing shortages, incivility or violence, lack of control in the workplace, barriers to education, and misaligned policies and regulations. Instead of viewing these issues as insurmountable and inevitable, he asks us to seize the opportunity to improve our experiences and work cultures.

As Sigma members, we are well positioned to infuse joy into practice in clinical, administrative, research, and policy settings. President Ricciardi’s call to action highlights three essential elements – the ABCs – that promote joy: Awareness, Balance & Purpose, and Co-creation.

Download the 2019-2021 Presidential Call to Action brochure, logo, and supplemental resources.




Awareness includes a clear understanding of the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to fulfill our professional responsibilities and achieve our goals. When we are competent, confident, and have mastery over our work, joy can flourish.



Achieving balance and purpose requires us to make time for creativity and serendipity, mindfulness and rest, activities that foster health and well-being, as well as gratitude, service to others, and philanthropy.



Co-creating includes relationship building, using team science, recognizing interdependencies, having a shared mental organizational model, taking pride in one’s work, and instituting policy initiatives to support a joyful organizational culture. As competent, confident nurses acting with balance and purpose, we can take the next step to infusing joy.

Chapter and member helpful activities

Consider the following activities designed to help Sigma chapters and individual members infuse joy by achieving awareness, seeking balance and purpose in work, and creating opportunities for co-creation:

  • Keep a gratitude journal
  • Meditate or practice mindfulness
  • Nominate colleagues for Sigma’s international awards, research awards, and honorary membership
  • Participate in one of Sigma’s highly rated webinars at a chapter meeting
  • During exam week, offer self-care and de-stress activities for your chapter members who are students or faculty. Or, consider providing self-care and de-stress activities as a service to members of other healthcare schools or organizations during Nurses Week or anytime
  • Support and sustain the future of nursing by making a contribution to the Sigma Foundation’s future fund
  • If you are an experienced nurse researcher, mentor an emerging nurse researcher through the process of applying for a research grant through the Sigma Foundation for Nursing.
  • Collaborate with a practice setting to involve clinical nurses in chapter activities
  • Collaborate globally by forming or participating in a cross-cultural, multi-country research team
  • Partner with experienced nurses in various settings to offer peer support and/or mentoring programs
  • Invite an interdisciplinary team from a clinical practice setting to present at a chapter meeting
  • Conduct chapter programming connected to achieving and maintaining physical and mental health. (Group walks, counseling resources, connection activities)
  • Participate in organized fundraising walks or other activities as a group
  • Conduct a chapter research day where all members participate in collaborative research
  • As a chapter, work to submit your school of nursing’s collection to the Sigma Repository
  • Join one of the Communities of Interest on The Circle to collaborate with other Sigma members around areas of interest and focus
  • Create opportunities that focus on patient and family-centered care and engagement