External Resources

Resource links in this list are compiled from well-established professional nursing and health organizations, or governmental agencies, and must be related to the field of nursing to be accepted for inclusion.

Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing (Sigma) and the Sigma Repository reserve the right to revise and edit this list without notice at their discretion.

The lists are for informational purposes only. Sigma and the Sigma Repository have no control over websites maintained by third parties. Sigma and the Sigma Repository are not responsible for the content of such third-party websites and make no representations as to the accuracy or any other aspect of information contained therein. Such links are provided as a convenience and do not imply endorsement of the website or the contents contained therein.

Best Practice Guidelines

Nursing Continuing Professional Development (NCPD)

EBP Reporting Guidelines

  • STROBE checklist (STRengthening the Reporting of OBservation studies in Epidemiology) for reporting observational studies. For additional information on STROBE please click here.
  • PRISMA checklist (Preferred Reporting Items of Systematic reviews Meta-Analyses) for reporting systematic literature reviews and meta-analyses. For additional information on PRISMA please click here.
  • SQUIRE checklist (Standards for Quality Improvement Reporting Excellence) for reporting all quality improvement projects. For additional information on SQUIRE please click here.
  • STARD checklist (STAndards for Reporting of Diagnostic accuracy studies) for reporting studies of diagnostic accuracy. For additional information on STARD please click here.
  • CARE checklist (CAse REport) for guidance in writing a case report. Generally applicable to nursing case reports. For additional information on CARE please click here.
  • CONSORT checklist (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) provides direction for reporting randomized controlled trials. The Equator Network offers information on the CONSORT checklist.

General Websites

Journals (A-F)

Journals (G-K)

Journals (L-Z)

Nursing Associations, Global (A-B)

Nursing Associations, Global (C-H)

Nursing Associations, Global (I-Z)

Open Access Resources

  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) - Includes many global nursing journals.
  • Open Access Button -Free, legal research articles and data delivered instantly or automatically requested from authors. Learn how it works.
  • Unpaywall -Read paywalled research papers for free. It's fast, free, and legal, powered by a database of millions of author-uploaded PDFs. Free for Chrome and Firefox. See FAQs here.

Statistics in Nursing

Translation Resources